Foxxy Clemson Kennel Club 1/8/23
Foxxy Charleston Kennel Club 1/28/23
Foxxy November 2021
Paris May 2022
Foxxy win December Royal Canin National Dog Show 2021
Foxxy December Royal Canin National Dog Show 2021
Foxxy win December Royal Canin National Dog Show 2021
Foxxy June 2022
Paris July 2022
January 8, 2024
We entered Foxxy into the Clemson Kennel Club show January 6th 2024 and she placed BOS. I am very happy that she showed well for me, but, alas, the time has come to retire her from the show life and focus on breeding. With that being said Foxxy is expecting a litter in early March. We could not be more excited to share the news.
In other news, we have two new Biewers in our home. Beep Beep and Chucky came to me from my dear friend Anna in Ukraine. They will be added to our breeding program and Beep Beep will enter the show ring later this year.
July 10, 2023
Sadly, Foxxy whelped too early and we lost the puppies. They were too early for survival. If you are on the waitlist for one of her puppies please contact me and I can refer you to other amazing show breeders if needed.
Foxxy has made an excellent recovery and we have decided to breed her in late October to a stud dog belonging to a show breeder friend of ours. We are excited about the possible litter and look forward to it.
In the meantime we are still working with Aurora in regards to confidence and ring training. She will have her first experience at a dog show when we attend the Carolina Foothills Dog Show Cluster July 27-30th. Depending on how she handles the environment she may show the last day of the show. Foxxy will not be showing.
June 8, 2023
Foxxy is due to have puppies in July. This will be her and Paris first litter together. We are very excited and have a waitlist for the puppies.
March 29, 2023
After much consideration we have decided that Cairo would not be a part of our breeding program and will not be showing. He is available to a pet home only.
March 25, 2023
After waiting for three months Aurora Fiery "Aurora" has finally made her long trip from Romania. She is an elegant and dainty girl. We will take some time to get to know her and allow her to settle before entering her into shows. As for shows, Cairo will make his debut in the AKC Beginner Puppy shows next weekend. He has two shows next weekend and Foxxy will be showing two days as well in an attempt to build majors. I am anticipating her to go into season soon and have plans to breed her when she does. We have a busy summer show schedule ahead of us with two puppies out showing and a possible litter.
February 8, 2023
Looking ahead we have decided to focus on making preparations for breeding Foxxy. She will not be in anymore shows this year.
Little baby Cairo will have a Baby Puppy show with IABCA this coming weekend. This is in hopes to socialize him, as well as introduce him to the show world. Aurora will be making her debut from Kennel Fiery within a month or so. Paris is currently growing out his coat out from where I had trimmed his haunches and thighs as well as his feet and we will be focusing on showing him for a short period this Spring/Summer.
January 8, 2023
We started this new show season with Clemson Kennel Club show 1/7 and 1/8 Foxxy took select and grabbed some points towards her Grand Championship. Our next big plans are OFA eye exams the 21st and then on to the Charleston Kennel Club shows at the end of the month.
December 20, 2022
The Speciality in Orlando was a blast. I had so much fun with goodfriends and others in the Biewer and show community. Foxxy did well considering she had a dental just two days prior and was not feeling her best. We kick off 2023 with our first shows in January and I am hopeful that Cairo will be a show prospect and he will start the beginner puppy shows in March.
Foxxy and Paris will be bred in the late spring when she is in season. Anyone interested in a possible puppy can apply to their litter through my Good Dog page.
November 5, 2022
Puppies and Royal Canin National Speciality Update
We were blessed with adorable puppies October 20th. The labor and delivery went well and everyone is thriving and growing wonderfully. As they continue to grow and develop excellent homes will be determined for them. I have decided to keep a male back as a pending show prospect.
After much deliberation and the support of my show/breeder family I have decided to enter Foxxy into the Biewer Terrier Club of America National Speciality in Orlando. My wonderful handler Kate will be able to show her and while in Orlando I plan on having Foxxys OFA eye exams completed. Keep us in your thoughts and well wishes.
FastCat is quickly approaching and Mickey will be entered and running. We have decided to purchase a SwiftPaws Lure Coursing set to be able to get the dogs used to running at home prior to events.
October 9, 2022
Puppies Soon!!
As we make preparations for the upcoming litter we are hopeful to find our next show dog and champion. We would like to keep back one or two from this litter for our breeding program. We have a X-Ray scheduled the 13th for a puppy count.
On another note, Foxxy will soon be back out showing and working towards her Grand Championship and Paris to follow.
Now that it is getting cooler down south we are making plans attending and entering Fast Cat events. Wish us luck!
Lastly, we have eye exams coming up for our CHIC certifications.
July 17,2022
Paris is a CHAMPION!!
Finally, after what seems like an eternity we were able to catch the two major wins that we have been waiting for.
This weekend on the last day of a long weekend of shows. Paris showed wonderfully and is an AKC champion. We are so excited to have a new champion under our roof and cant wait to see what the future holds for this sweet little guy.
In addition to Paris finishing Foxxy has now a total of 8 grand champion points and we hope she gets to finish out the month with at least 8 more.
We have one weekend of shows left this month before the dogs come back home and take a much deserved break from the ring for a few months and then we head back out in the fall/winter.
Spring/Summer 2022 AKC Conformation/Sports - FastCAT
Heidi and Mickey will be starting FastCAT in just a few short weeks time. I am super excited to see them run. Heidi is really really fast and Mickey loves to run, jump, and be an overall playful dog. I have a good feeling about them.
Paris is heading on the road with the amazing and wonderful Kate Berry and Team for his start in Confirmation.
Helios and Selene are also going to be showing with IABCA. I am looking forward to showing them and working on their titles.
Paris just finished a long weekend of shows from Perry GA. He took BOW all four days and ended the week with 4 points towards his championship. We couldn't have made it happen without our amazing handler Kate of Burberry Kennel and Handeling as well as the wonderful judges.
Paris First Confirmation Weekend
Paris had his first two shows 5/7-8/22
Kate said that he showed well and is catching on quick. We are super excited for his coming shows this weekend.
Ch. Bibi Fiery "Foxxy" took home Best of Breed in the AKC Royal Canin National Puppy/Junior Stakes Friday Dec 17, 2021 making her the Biewer Terrier Puppy of The Year and today, Dec 18, 2021 she received an Award of Excellence in the National Championship. She has really moved quickly since her first show on October 30 and then her Champion title on November 20th. Bred by Hanna Dyma and shown by Kate Berry.
Our search for the perfect male to begin confirmation is officially begun. We have spoken to some wonderful breeders who health test and have the most beautiful puppies and adults.
Results from Ocala AKC Conformation Show
Foxxy was Winners Bitch x3 and Best of Winners x1 with three major wins. She is now a new AKC Champion. She championed out in just three weekends of showing. We are very proud of her and will add photos from the show when they arrive.
Results from Ocala AKC Conformation Show Foxxy was Winners Bitch x4
Best of Winners x3 She has 6 pts towards her championship now.
October 2021
Foxxy (Bibi fiery) has gone to stay with her new AKC show handler the super talented Kate Berry. we are very grateful for the opportunity that we have been presented and excited to see where this takes us.
April 2021
Petit Bijou is excited to announce new breeding females to our home.
Bibi Fiery "Foxxy" is a Beautiful Biewer Terrier from Ukraine with champion bloodlines. Shanti Rush Victoria "Honey" is a Russian Salon Dog that came all the way from Moscow to be with us. She is absolutely beautiful!!! her parents are champions of RKF and Russia. As they continue to grow we will update photos and videos of them.
In the coming months we will also be on the look out for awesome new studs and breeding ladies to add to our ranks as well. We've got our eye's out looking for the best!!!
*Big news for 2022 & 2023
Future RKF/FCI breeding of Russian Salon Dogs. The Russian Salon Dog or Rusalka "mermaids" as they are called in Russia, is not a breed that is well known in the US. In fact there are less than 100 of them currently in the US but they are an up and coming breed that was created in Russia by a very talented animal biologist and show expert. In 2013 the breed was accepted into the RKF under the FCI in group 9. This unique breed is very similar to the Biewer & Yorkshire Terrier with its main Physical difference being in coat color and temperament. we will be introducing them into our breeding program in 2021.
We will not be mixing breeds. Russian Salon dog to Russian salon dog only. We will update with more information as we continue grow the program and new dogs are introduced.